COMPASS Certificate 

Enter COSTAATT through the COMPASS Programme


If you have fewer than five CSEC (CXC)/GCE passes, the COMPASS Programme is for you. The COMPASS programme is designed to help you gain the necessary qualifications to access the degree programme of your choice in COSTAATT.

Upon successful completion of the COMPASS programme, you can apply to the COSTAATT programme of your choice.


To enter COMPASS you must have completed five years of secondary school and:

  • possess 3 to 4 CSEC (CXC)/GCE passes or
  • be a mature student (25 years and older) with academic literacy acquired through work or life experience.

* Persons interested in pursuing the nursing profession must be guided by the registration requirements of the Nursing Council.


Does COMPASS prepare students for the CXC CSEC?

We do not teach CSEC subjects. The courses offered at COMPASS help you to hone your skills in mathematics, English, biology, chemistry, physics and computer literacy in preparation for college-level study. After you have completed these courses, the certification awarded will be only recognized by COSTAATT.

How long will COMPASS take?

The length of time that you take in COMPASS depends on:

  • your entry level profile
  • the number of courses that you have to complete in order to access the degree programme of your choice
  • your level of application and commitment.
How do I apply?

If you are applying to be a student of the COMPASS programme, you apply as all any other prospective COSTAATT student—via the website or by submitting an application to the Admissions Office.

Will I get a job with COMPASS qualifications?

The COMPASS programme is not a national qualification, but is specially designed to help students access and complete degrees at COSTAATT. As such, it is only upon completion of a COSTAATT degree-level programme that students are prepared for employment.

Will I automatically matriculate into a COSTAATT degree programme on completion of COMPASS?

Degree programmes at COSTAATT require that applicants of COMPASS possess a GPA of 2.0. The Programme has existed since 2009, having been piloted in 2008. No graduate of the COMPASS programme who possesses a GPA of 2.0 and above has ever been rejected by the college level programme for which s/he has been prepared.

What happens when I complete the COMPASS programme?

Once you have completed the last COMPASS course and you have a GPA of 2.0, you are eligible to:

  • be awarded a certificate of achievement which signifies that you have acquired the requisite knowledge and skills to pursue college-level courses in your selected degree programme.
  • apply for re-admittance to the College to pursue the college level programme for which you have been prepared.
Is this programme covered by GATE?

Yes. The programme now enjoys GATE approval.


Academic Advising

Academic advising is a critical requirement for your success at COMPASS and at the College.

The College assigns an academic advisor to each COMPASS student. The academic advisor will help you choose the most appropriate courses based on your entry profile, career interests and the college-level programme you wish to pursue at COSTAATT. This person remains your support until you successfully complete COMPASS.

Once you are a registered COSTAATT student enrolled in the COMPASS programme, you must meet regularly with your dedicated academic advisor:

  • before you register for classes at the start of each semester
  • at least once during each semester

These meetings give you an opportunity to discuss your academic progress, to determine if tutorial services are required and to help you to select courses you will pursue in the semester to come.


The Courses We Offer

Tertiary level education requires certain competencies as foundation for success. Our curriculum is therefore designed to provide you with the necessary foundation to pursue tertiary level education.

We offer pre-college courses in English,Mathematics,Biology,Chemistry and Physics.We also offer one course each in IT and Life Skills.Having completed the COMPASS Certificate,you will then be eligible to enroll in the COSTAATT degree programme for which you will then have been prepared.

Each of the courses we offer at COMPASS carries three COMPASS credits. All COMPASS courses will be graded. However, these  grades only apply to COMPASS and not to your degree programme.

Programme Courses

BIOL 090Introduction to Concepts in Biology I3
BIOL 092Introduction to Concepts in Biology II3
CHEM 090Introduction to Concepts in Chemistry I3
CHEM 092Introduction to Concepts in Chemistry II3
ITEC 098Introduction To Computers3
LANG 095Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing I3
LANG 096Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing II 3
LANG 097Introduction to Academic Writing III3
LANG 098Introduction to Academic Reading III3
MATH 091Pre-Algebra 3
MATH 092Basic Algebra3
MATH 093Intermediate Algebra3
PHYS 090Introduction to Concepts in Physics I3
PHYS 092Introduction to Concepts in Physics II3
SDEV 010Life Skills3